Digital Literacy Curriculum Evaluation Checklist

Ensure your curriculum meets essential standards and empowers students with digital skills.

Houston Independent School District

“ is robust.
It’s the most comprehensive program we’ve been able to find that meets all of our needs.”

Adrian Acosta
Officer, Academic Instructional Technology

TechApps for Texas

State Adopted Curriculum’s TechApps for Texas was meticulously designed to cover 100% of Proclamation 2024 and the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Technology Applications (TA-TEKS).

Our grade-specific curriculum was designed by Texas educators and empowers students with the digital literacy and computer science skills they need to succeed in today’s digital world.

More In This Document

  • Alignment with Standards:
    Learn how a digital literacy curriculum can meet essential standards like TA-TEKS alignment, setting students up for digital success.

    • This Document: A structured evaluation framework, emphasizing the need for alignment with ISTE standards and key digital literacy competencies.
    • TechApps for Texas: Fully aligns with Texas’s TA-TEKS standards, covering 100% of required competencies, ensuring district compliance and aiding educators in meeting state mandates effortlessly.
  • Comprehensive Learning and Assessment Tools:
    Discover how an aligned curriculum can make student progress tracking and assessment easy, supporting educator efficiency.

    • This Document: Stresses the importance of assessments, including formative and summative tools, and providing immediate feedback to support student growth.
    • TechApps for Texas: Offers integrated assessments aligned with TA-TEKS, including auto-grading and reporting, enabling educators to track student progress while meeting state requirements.
  • Customization and Flexibility:
    Learn what to look for in a curriculum that’s adaptable to every classroom setting— supporting flexible, personalized learning paths for all students.

    • This Document: Highlights the need for adaptable content, supporting different classroom settings and tailored learning paths.
    • TechApps for Texas: Delivers flexible, self-paced learning experiences, enabling teachers to integrate digital literacy in diverse instructional settings and adjust to varied learner needs.
  • Engaging, Student-Centered Design:
    Discover key elements of an engaging curriculum in this checklist, like gamified content that captivates and challenges students.

    • This Document: Encourages curricula that employ engaging features like gamification to promote student engagement.
    • TechApps for Texas: Utilizes gamified learning paths, interactive modules, and multimedia content, ensuring students are motivated and immersed in digital literacy education.
  • Technology and Support:
    Learn how essential technical and support technological features can enhance curriculum impact allowing easy integration, complete support, and reliable performance across platforms.
    • This Document: Stresses the importance of technical compatibility and ongoing support, ensuring curriculum reliability across platforms.
    • TechApps for Texas: Ensures seamless integration with existing systems, including LMS compatibility, and provides extensive teacher support and professional development.

Digital Literacy & Computer Science for Texas

Strategic Technology Integration

Fuse instructional content with digital tools to reshape the framework of teaching and learning

Lifelong Digital Literacy

Equip students with the essential skills to live, work and excel in the digital world

Creativity Through Tech

Empower students to leverage technology to create, collaborate, communicate and solve real-world problems

TechApps for Texas Content Areas

Complete grade-specific coverage of each strand for grades K-8

Computational Thinking

Data Literacy, Management & Representation

Creativity & Innovation

Digital Citizenship

Practical Technology Concepts


TechApps for Texas is highly customizable so the learning experience can be tailored to meet each student’s individual needs. Our engaging, gamified learning experience keeps students motivated and excited about learning. Plus, students have their own user interface where they can practice the essential skills they are learning in real-time.

Comprehensive Professional Development & Teacher Support

We are passionate about making sure educators get the most out of our platform, so we offer personalized and on-demand teacher and administrator support. Our dedicated team of former teachers and administrators provides ongoing professional development because we know how important it is to maximize the impact of TechApps for Texas in your district.

Easy and Effective

TechApps for Texas provides the proven tools to bridge the digital divide




What Districts and Schools Say

Arlington Independent School District

“Our partnership with is a huge part of our success.”

Levianne Mirabelli
Technology Integration Specialist

Corpus Christi Independent School District

“It is so refreshing to have a company that
develops a quality product and then continues to support you through your journey.

Cary Perales
Director of Instructional Technology

Chandler Unified School District

“With, everything is in one place, from typing to presentation skills to
the digital citizenship side.

Having everything all in one tool is very, very helpful.

Curt Lando
Instructional Technology Coach

Sign Up for Your 30-Day Trial!

  1. In minutes you’ll receive an email with your login to start the trial
  2. A representative will contact you to help you get the best out of your new program