In Pursuit of Disruptive Tech Integration for Meaningful Learning

Unlock the potential of disruptive technology in your classroom with actionable strategies to enhance student engagement, future-readiness, and meaningful learning outcomes.

Sault Ste. Marie Area Public Schools

“This program has transformed how we prepare students for online assessments. It’s engaging, easy to use, and effective!

Barb Light
Director of Student Achievement

Michigan K-8 Digital Literacy

State-Adopted Digital Literacy Curriculum

The most comprehensive digital literacy solution designed specifically to empower Michigan students for success on the M-STEP. provides a structured, easy-to-follow curriculum that aligns with Michigan’s standards, allowing teachers to implement effective digital literacy instruction without added complexity.

More In This Document

  • Bridging the Gaps in Tech Integration:
    Explore the key to successful tech integration in your classroom by bridging the gaps with structured, student-focused solutions that empower educators.

    • This Document: Identifies barriers to effective tech integration, such as lack of teacher training and fragmented approaches, and proposes strategies for meaningful integration that emphasize personalized, adaptive, and collaborative learning environments.
    • EasyTech: Addresses these gaps with auto-assigned, grade-level-specific lessons and self-paced modules that empower both teachers and students.
  • Alignment with Standards:
    Discover how modern frameworks for tech integration align with tools to meet Michigan’s evolving standards for digital literacy and computational thinking.

    • This Document: Focuses on transforming learning through technology to meet the needs of the knowledge economy and evolving 21st-century skills standards.
    • EasyTech: Fully aligned with Michigan Computer Science Standards, including skills like computational thinking, digital citizenship, and essential digital tools.
  • Student Engagement and Readiness:
    Boost student engagement and readiness for online assessments by learning how to create interactive, personalized learning.

    • This Document: Emphasizes creating experiential, student-centered learning through technology that fosters collaboration and innovation.
    • EasyTech: Offers interactive, gamified lessons that engage students in meaningful learning experiences while preparing them for online assessments like M-STEP.
  • Future-Ready Education:
    Prepare your students for tomorrow’s challenges by learning how to integrate cutting-edge digital literacy instruction to equip students with future-ready skills.

    • This Document: Frames tech integration as a vehicle for reimagining instruction, preparing students for the knowledge economy with creativity and critical thinking.
    • EasyTech: Delivers a curriculum that equips students with essential skills like computational thinking, coding, and digital citizenship, ensuring they are ready for the challenges of a tech-driven future.

Prepare Michigan Students with Future-Ready Skills

Strategic Technology Integration

Fuse instructional content with digital tools to reshape the framework of teaching and learning

Lifelong Digital Literacy

Equip students with the essential skills to live, work and excel in the digital world

Creativity Through Tech

Empower students to leverage technology to create, collaborate, communicate and solve real-world problems

EasyTech Digital Literacy Content Areas

Complete grade-specific coverage of each strand for grades K-8

Computational Thinking


Computer Fundamentals


Online Safety & Digital Citizenship

Keyboarding / Typing

Internet Usage & Communications

Spreadsheets & Databases

Solution for Asynchronous Learning

EasyTech’s Tech Quest automatically assigns students with grade-level specific, auto-scored, standards-aligned curriculum that will provide them the foundational tech skills they need to be successful in the 21st century.

Comprehensive Professional Development & Teacher Support

We are passionate about making sure educators get the most out of our platform, so we offer personalized and on-demand teacher and administrator support. Our dedicated team of former teachers and administrators provides ongoing professional development because we know how important it is to maximize the impact of EasyTech in your district.

Easy and Effective

EasyTech provides the proven tools to bridge the digital divide




What Districts and Schools Say

Mason Public Schools

“ has been instrumental in helping students prepare for the M-STEP by incorporating digital literacy skills like typing, clicking buttons, and navigating tools used in assessments.

Devonie Schumacher
Instructional Technology Supervisor

Beal City Junior/Senior High School

“Before, we had a real hodgepodge approach to coding, keyboarding, and online safety. Everybody was doing a little piece of it, maybe in social studies, maybe in English, but it was completely uncoordinated.

Our current 12th graders were 12th in the state last year on the SAT, and I attribute to being one important piece of that.”

Dan Boyer

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