Building a Digital Literacy Program that Nurtures Future-Ready Students

Unlock the tools to seamlessly implement a standards-aligned digital literacy program that prepares students for academic, career, and personal success.

Sault Ste. Marie Area Public Schools

“This program has transformed how we prepare students for online assessments. It’s engaging, easy to use, and effective!

Barb Light
Director of Student Achievement

Michigan K-8 Digital Literacy

State-Adopted Digital Literacy Curriculum

The most comprehensive digital literacy solution designed specifically to empower Michigan students for success on the M-STEP. provides a structured, easy-to-follow curriculum that aligns with Michigan’s standards, allowing teachers to implement effective digital literacy instruction without added complexity.

More In This Document

  • Implementation Support:
    Discover how to implement a digital literacy program tailored to your school’s unique needs with actionable insights to bring digital skills into every classroom with ease.

    • This Document: Outlines strategies for designing and integrating digital literacy programs into existing curricula, from libraries and computer labs to core subjects. It stresses the need for comprehensive implementation models that are inclusive and sustainable.
    • EasyTech: A seamless integration model that complements existing curricula, empowering educators to incorporate digital literacy through flexible formats like labs, classrooms, and independent learning environments.
  • Alignment with Standards:
    Ensure your digital literacy program meets national and state standards effortlessly. Download our guide to learn how aligns with frameworks like ISTE and state requirements to prepare students for academic and professional success.

    • This Document: The guide emphasizes the importance of aligning a digital literacy program with established standards such as ISTE. It highlights how these frameworks ensure that students develop foundational and advanced digital skills necessary for academic, career, and personal readiness.
    • EasyTech: A programme which is fully aligned with key digital literacy and computer science standards, including ISTE. It supports educators by providing ready-to-use lessons that align with grade-level expectations and core subject standards.
  • Teacher Empowerment:
    Empower your teachers to confidently deliver digital literacy instruction with the correct tools, resources, and professional development to build future-ready classrooms.

    • This Document: Empowering teachers is central to the success of any digital literacy initiative. The guide stresses providing educators with professional development, resources, and ongoing support to ensure effective implementation.
    • EasyTech: Offering robust teacher support through professional development, ready-made resources, and auto-assigned lessons to simplify the process of teaching digital literacy.
  • Bridging Digital Skills Gaps:
    Close digital skills gaps in your classrooms by aligning instruction across grades and subjects with the strategies outlined for a comprehensive curriculum.

    • This Document: Identifies the risks of fragmented or inconsistent digital literacy instruction, emphasizing the need for aligned and scaffolded skill development across grade levels.
    • EasyTech: Bridges digital literacy gaps with a structured, grade-aligned curriculum that develops foundational and advanced skills progressively, ensuring equitable access for all students.
  • Focus on Future-Readiness:
    Prepare your students for a tech-driven future by integrating digital citizenship and computational thinking into a comprehensive future-readiness framework.

    • This Document: The vision for digital literacy extends beyond technical skills, focusing on preparing students for long-term success in academics, careers, and life through responsible and innovative use of technology.
    • EasyTech: Equips students with future-ready skills such as computational thinking, digital citizenship, and real-world technology applications, fostering a generation of responsible innovators.

Prepare Michigan Students with Future-Ready Skills

Strategic Technology Integration

Fuse instructional content with digital tools to reshape the framework of teaching and learning

Lifelong Digital Literacy

Equip students with the essential skills to live, work and excel in the digital world

Creativity Through Tech

Empower students to leverage technology to create, collaborate, communicate and solve real-world problems

EasyTech Digital Literacy Content Areas

Complete grade-specific coverage of each strand for grades K-8

Computational Thinking


Computer Fundamentals


Online Safety & Digital Citizenship

Keyboarding / Typing

Internet Usage & Communications

Spreadsheets & Databases

Solution for Asynchronous Learning

EasyTech’s Tech Quest automatically assigns students with grade-level specific, auto-scored, standards-aligned curriculum that will provide them the foundational tech skills they need to be successful in the 21st century.

Comprehensive Professional Development & Teacher Support

We are passionate about making sure educators get the most out of our platform, so we offer personalized and on-demand teacher and administrator support. Our dedicated team of former teachers and administrators provides ongoing professional development because we know how important it is to maximize the impact of EasyTech in your district.

Easy and Effective

EasyTech provides the proven tools to bridge the digital divide




What Districts and Schools Say

Mason Public Schools

“ has been instrumental in helping students prepare for the M-STEP by incorporating digital literacy skills like typing, clicking buttons, and navigating tools used in assessments.

Devonie Schumacher
Instructional Technology Supervisor

Beal City Junior/Senior High School

“Before, we had a real hodgepodge approach to coding, keyboarding, and online safety. Everybody was doing a little piece of it, maybe in social studies, maybe in English, but it was completely uncoordinated.

Our current 12th graders were 12th in the state last year on the SAT, and I attribute to being one important piece of that.”

Dan Boyer

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  2. A representative will contact you to help you get the best out of your new program